computer prints
computer prints on wood collage
computer prints as lights
Constructed Realities, presentation Arena 09/24/06
Group exhibition, Ursula Haas, Margit Nobis, Lidia Pascher
With various media the artists showed the concept of constructed reality. Starting materials are software and publisher of computer games, graphics and mixed media painting.
The virtual reality computer game, as it will receive a global validity claim, which goes beyond the individual experiences, the individual's fate. We get the war into the living room with computer and TV.
War mix virtual and real in the pictures
The sequence of the video - performance and an art exhibition formally corresponds to a computer game and static images on the wall. The starting material, consisting of edited video and audio clip from the computer game Quake and Counter Strike, which uses the resources of an already existing, established virtual game environment, changing these directly.
They are constructed realities that are created by virtue of a mismatch of content and formal level. By the manipulative potential of objectivity and fidelity promised photography and computer game screen Shut be used, so do not necessarily reflect the images of violence and isolation.
The subject of shooting men to be repeated to produce a pattern trivialized. Pattern repeats itself again. With the repetition we get used to these violent scenes.